Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Ethno Musicology


Ok, I have a little more information on what I'll be doing in Uganda. Since we are not allowed to go over there as "missionaries" we will go in as researchers in different areas. Examples would be communication pattern, medical, linguistics, etc... I was thrilled to find out that I will be on the ethno musicology research team. Ethno musicology is the study of social and cultural aspects of music and dance. We will be asking the natives questions about their music so as to find out what their TRUE music is. We will record and document what we find so that follow up teams can take up where we leave off. This will be our "way in" to the tribes. Lord willing, once we have been accepted and established relationships we will be able to begin sharing the gospel.
Needless to say, I am THRILLED!!!!!

Trip preparation is coming along! The Lord is bringing in the funds. Please continue to pray for that. I am planning a few fundraisers and will post information on them as the details get worked out.
Physical prep is coming along as well. I am doing daily exercises and plan to be in the best shape I've ever been in by May. :) I'm actually finally starting to enjoy it. At first it was more of a chore and now I like it! :) Keep praying for health and strength for the whole team.
I'd like to ask also that yall be in prayer especially for one of our leaders, Mrs. Brown. She will be almost 7 months pregnant when we get to Uganda. Be praying for health, energy, strength, etc for both her and the baby. I've never met this woman but I've heard wonderful things about her- That she is completely sold out for God and super hard-core. :) I can't wait to meet her and spend a summer under her leadership.

Thats it for now! Thank you all for your prayers and support! This would be impossible without yall!

“I'll go anywhere as long as it's forward.” -- David Livingstone