Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Update #1

Missy called today from Ok City. She is there for several days getting to know her team and do some training. They leave on Thursday, the 29th.

She text me an update and when she called she gave me a prayer request. Here is her update:

"I'm here and doing well. My team is great. There are ten of us: 6 girls and 4 boys. We took a ten mile hike with our backpacks yesterday and another one today. My pack is 40lbs. Crazy.:) We leave on Thursday. Pray for strength. We have a really hard hike in Uganda.

Also, we have 3 leaders and the leaders two kids on the team too. So there is 15 of us all together. Thanks."

When she called me this evening, she asked for prayer for the team. She felt like they were being spritually attacked, with some sickness and other issues - details omitted. She requested prayer for protection, safety, health and strength.

Thanks from her Dad.



Saturday, May 23, 2009


Tomorrow I leave for OK City. Not sure how often I will be able to update this thing from now on. But do check often because my parents will post all updates AWESTAR sends and any other updates that get sent. There's a chance I will be able to update once or twice while in Uganda so check for those!

To God be the glory!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Almost Ready to Go!

Oh my goodness! I'm leaving in 4 days! I can't believe how fast its come up! wow...

All my money has been in for a couple weeks but the Lord has continued to bless me with more than I needed! Which is great because there were lots of other expenses besides the required Awestar money. Like shots(crazy expensive), camera, shoes, visa money, spending money, and various other random things. So I've welcomed every penny that has come in. :)

I've started laying out stuff for packing and I'm going shopping tomorrow. I am taking only a hiking backpack, so everything has got to fit in there. :) Its really amazing(I found out last year) how little you can live on and how much you can live without.

Oh this is going to be such a great trip! I'm really excited to see how the Lord changes and molds us over there so that we can better serve Him. I'm going to learn SO MUCH!!!!!

Have I mentioned that I'm super excited about this trip? :)


“Expect great things from God, attempt great things for God.” - William Carey

Monday, May 11, 2009

More Info on What We'll be Doing

Here's part of an e-mail our leaders sent to the team...

We are going to Kampala first where we will spend 5 days of training in country. We will have electricity, well, most of the time or off and on, in Kampala. We can charge our phones/ ipods etc there.

Once we get the Moroto, the small town at the base of the mountain, there IS cell service, and you can pay some small store a fee and they will charge your phone for you ( funny because their power comes from a car battery!) BUT we will only be THERE for one day before heading up the mountain. Once in the village, guys this is primitive. We will carry in all of our water, we will have no electricity, we will have no cell service. We will have two way radios- walkie-talkies- to communicate with each other while on the mountain.

We will be taking the public bus from Kampala to Moroto (anywhere from 8 to 20 hours depending on the weather, driver, passengers, and animals on the road- that's Africa!) You will be carrying everything you bring- pack light. From Moroto, we will hike to the village where we are camping. We think we have found a shorter- but much harder- route. We are anticipating 6 to 8 hours, but really have no way of knowing. You will need to be prepared to carry everything you bring- pack light.

Speaking of coming out of the country, there is a super wonderful chance that you might get to raft the Nile! This is tentative, but we want to let you know NOW because if it is something you might like to do, you need an extra $100 spending money to pay for this. If you don't, well, i just wish i could take your place, because i want to but can't! :) (Tye says, be prepared it is the hardest rafting in the world!)

We will be eating beans and posho (ground corn) every day. We MIGHT have oatmeal for breakfast or ramen noodles for lunch, but FOR SURE beans and posho for 1 to 3 meals a day. You might want to pack trail mix and protein bars in every spare inch of your backpack... tuna in pouches is good too for protein...(But this is just for personal taste, don't worry, you will have food, you just might want to supplement with variety.) Once a week we will be getting veggies from Moroto to last us the next few days.

Sounds fun eh?!?!?!

I'm excited! Adevnture!

Thursday, May 7, 2009


I just wanted to say another BIG THANK YOU to all of you who are supporting me in this trip!! I have been blessed with SOO many generous friends! I can't express how grateful I am for all the help yall have been! This trip would be impossible without you. Its a team effort and support back home is absolutely ESSENTIAL! May the Lord bless you abundantly for your part in advancing the gospel!

Love yall!!!

Habakkuk 1:5- Look to the nations, watch and be utterly amazed for I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe even if you were told.